The Objectives
The Objectives of This NGO
Care and Compassion
To cater for the welfare of the members
and to assist the less privileged
in the society.

Social Amenities
Provision of clean and drinkable water in rural areas where it is lacking and to actively encourage the education and empowerment of women.

Social Development
Contribute to social development through organising regular rehabilitation projects for youths on the street. To also provide material and psychological support to victims of violence.

Social Justice and love
To establish and sustain advocacy for the promotion of sanity, social justice and love of the people.

To encourage prudence among individuals and corporate bodies.

Love and Understanding
To promote peace, love, better understanding among members.

To promote human rights, encourage girl child education and health care and to provide support for the victims of violent crimes.

To offer mentorship schemes for the girl child in order to grow into responsible and valuable adults.

Our Mission
1. To undertake a periodic needs assessment of the challenged groups of people and communities with a view to develop the data that will facilitate effective sensitization of other NGOs with similar vision and of course our Philanthropic partners.
2. To raise the public consciousness of the challenges of the destitutes, the widows, orphans and victims of terrorism in our communities through advocacy and media campaigns.
3. To ameliorate the challenges of the destitutes in our communities through organising a periodic medical and phylanthropic outreaches.
4. To facilitate access to quality education by orphans and the children of the destitutes through the grant of scholarship.
5. To undertake economic empowerment initiatives for the benefit of the less privileged groups through facilitation of entrepreneurial programs and provision of the funding and tools for small scale businesses.
Our Vision
To create a culture of love and care for the less privileged in the society in the world and creating a world where the Widows orphans and the destitute can still realise their potential through helping hands