We offer mentorship schemes for the girl child in order to grow into responsible and valuable adults.

1. To undertake a periodic needs assessment of the challenged groups of people and communities with a view to develop the data that will facilitate effective sensitization of other NGOs with similar vision and of course our Philanthropic partners.
2. To raise the public consciousness of the challenges of the destitutes, the widows, orphans and victims of terrorism in our communities through advocacy and media campaigns.
3. To ameliorate the challenges of the destitutes in our communities through organising a periodic medical and phylanthropic outreaches.

did You Know?
Save children’s lives and help end hunger.
We believes that no one deserves to go to bed hungry or children dropping out of school due to Penury or women or children dying simply because they cannot afford basic Medicare. Barrister Justina Melody believes that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step, the incorporation of this Foundation is a first step towards the journey and she is confident that With GOD
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Give now to accelerate progress in pancreatic cancer and improve patient outcomes.